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Get it Together. Manage Start to Settlement.

Stop misplacing evidence, breaking chain of custody, and duplicating efforts - activities that weaken your case in court. Streamline exhibit management from start to settlement with a single, secure, and straightforward software system that integrates seamlessly with your case management system.

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Easily and Securely Receive Evidence

Streamline evidence intake with efficient and secure sharing methods tailored to the provider, while maintaining security and chain of custody.

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Seamlessly Connect via API

Simplify evidence intake from repeat providers like police departments or manufacturers’ digital evidence systems with a seamless connection to Omnigo’s API.

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Easily Engage via Cloud Portal

Remove the burden of managing evidence submissions from occasional providers, such as citizens, using a secure cloud portal where users easily create online accounts and upload evidence.

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Establish Chain of Custody

Ensure a traceable and auditable record for every piece of submitted evidence, including when, who, and how it was uploaded and viewed, with the system’s automatic event logging.

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Simplify Exhibit Management

Ease the management of cases and their exhibits using powerful search capabilities, proactive management tools, and consistent case data entry.

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Find Anything Fast

Quickly locate any item with search criteria like case data, parties, case notes, and OCR text, or easily create and save your own custom searches using any metadata in the system.

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Stay on Top of Everything

Proactively manage the status of cases and exhibits with customizable dashboards for at-a-glance updates, and receive automated alerts for new evidence submissions or pending reviews.

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Keep it All Organized

Confidently ensure all information is properly structured and stored for easy searching and reporting by using the system’s step-by-step guided workflows when entering new data.

Effortlessly Share Exhibits for Discovery

Quickly and easily share exhibits for discovery with judicial partners through a secure cloud-based virtual viewing room, allowing for immediate viewing and optional download. Two-factor authentication strictly controls access and detailed logs provide usage insights.

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Confidently Present Exhibits

Present in the courtroom using evidence presentation equipment, or remotely using screen sharing, displaying exhibits from the Omnigo Virtual Viewing Room or stored in your account. Swiftly navigate between exhibits, expanding the view, and tagging points of interest in longer videos for a smooth trial and hearing experience.

Automate Exhibit Disposal

Automate Exhibit Disposal

Proactively manage exhibit inventory by automating the disposal process.  Easily create rules and alerts based on criteria such as a case being closedhearing outcome, or retention date being reached.

Gain Powerful Insight

Gain Powerful Insights

Effortlessly generate and share reports that enhance your understanding and management of exhibits in the systemGain insights such as Total Public Profiles Created, Total Exhibit by Case Type, and Total Exhibits Purged.