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Campus Security and Incident Reporting Software

Gain actionable insight for a single or multi-campus education system using a highly-configurable suite of capabilities with an intuitive interface and centralized data.

  • Operations Management

    Operations Management Icon

    Operations Management

    Routinely verify safety and compliance across campuses using automated proof of presence security checks. 

    Schedule Checks. Pre-scheduled routines and routes prompt officers to conduct required location-based security checks.

    Prove Presence. Integration with checkpoint technologies automatically record the time, date, and location of the officer at each assigned stop.

    Hold Accountable. Supervisors receive automated notifications for violations such as tours not starting on time or stopping before completion.

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    operations management
  • Asset Management

    Property Management Icon

    Asset Management

    Protect against the financial impact of lost assets, overspending, or compliance infractions by using a robust asset management, maintenance, and reporting system. 

    Receive. Quickly receive assets into inventory by scanning a manufacturer barcode or one you create, then instantly view the quantity on hand, location, and future orders.

    Manage. Set automatic alerts to signal expiration dates, total number of uses, low stock, or budget spend exceeded on an item.

    Maintain. Schedule, assign, and track asset maintenance events including labor and part costs and total service time by job and technician. 

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  • Command and Planning

    Command and Planning Icon

    Command and Planning

    Mobilize your security team and coordinate their efforts around a scheduled event or incident response using centralized preplans and real-time command center capabilities.

    Plan. Create new or input existing preplans and associate them with critical resources such as building floor plans and evacuation routes.

    Respond.  Execute and manage response plans using a central command board map that provides real-time, location-based information.

    Recover.  Analyze response performance post-incident, then make changes directly into the plan based on learnings.

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    Command and Planning Image
  • Computer-Aided Dispatch

    CAD Icon


    Boost dispatcher performance with instant data access, seamless collaboration, and real-time updates, enabling faster officer response.

    Focused. Personalize your dispatch environment so you stay focused under pressure and perform your best throughout your shift.

    Informed. Consult instantly available situation response data such as building floor plans and HAZMAT procedures, needed for a quick and safe officer response, every time.

    Teamed Up. Simultaneously update events with other dispatchers without interfering with their work or kicking anyone out of the call, ensuring smooth operations without delays or errors.

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  • Lost and Found

    Records Management Icon

    Lost and Found

    Ensure accuracy of ownership and secure return of found items using a robust, highly configurable lost and found property management system. 

    Report. Customizable dropdown menus make entering details about a lost or found item easy and consistent.

    Match. One-button click during entry performs an automatic search to find potential matches in the system and reduce likelihood of duplication.

    Return. Returning an item automatically launches a verification process with release forms and updated chain of custody.

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  • Parking Management

    Parking Management Icon

    Parking Management

    Easily manage your parking program from permit issuance to fine collection in one all-inclusive system.

    Manage. Quickly and easily approve/reject permit requests made through an online portal and make information accessible to officers in the field.

    Perform. Officers can complete all activities via a mobile app including reviewing prior citations, printing tickets, and uploading pictures.

    Drive Decisions. Use analytics to identify trends in the type, location, and timing of violations impacting your campus the most.

    Parking Management
Operations Management Icon

Operations Management

Routinely verify safety and compliance across campuses using automated proof of presence security checks. 

Schedule Checks. Pre-scheduled routines and routes prompt officers to conduct required location-based security checks.

Prove Presence. Integration with checkpoint technologies automatically record the time, date, and location of the officer at each assigned stop.

Hold Accountable. Supervisors receive automated notifications for violations such as tours not starting on time or stopping before completion.

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operations management
Property Management Icon

Asset Management

Protect against the financial impact of lost assets, overspending, or compliance infractions by using a robust asset management, maintenance, and reporting system. 

Receive. Quickly receive assets into inventory by scanning a manufacturer barcode or one you create, then instantly view the quantity on hand, location, and future orders.

Manage. Set automatic alerts to signal expiration dates, total number of uses, low stock, or budget spend exceeded on an item.

Maintain. Schedule, assign, and track asset maintenance events including labor and part costs and total service time by job and technician. 

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Command and Planning Icon

Command and Planning

Mobilize your security team and coordinate their efforts around a scheduled event or incident response using centralized preplans and real-time command center capabilities.

Plan. Create new or input existing preplans and associate them with critical resources such as building floor plans and evacuation routes.

Respond.  Execute and manage response plans using a central command board map that provides real-time, location-based information.

Recover.  Analyze response performance post-incident, then make changes directly into the plan based on learnings.

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Command and Planning Image
CAD Icon


Boost dispatcher performance with instant data access, seamless collaboration, and real-time updates, enabling faster officer response.

Focused. Personalize your dispatch environment so you stay focused under pressure and perform your best throughout your shift.

Informed. Consult instantly available situation response data such as building floor plans and HAZMAT procedures, needed for a quick and safe officer response, every time.

Teamed Up. Simultaneously update events with other dispatchers without interfering with their work or kicking anyone out of the call, ensuring smooth operations without delays or errors.

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Records Management Icon

Lost and Found

Ensure accuracy of ownership and secure return of found items using a robust, highly configurable lost and found property management system. 

Report. Customizable dropdown menus make entering details about a lost or found item easy and consistent.

Match. One-button click during entry performs an automatic search to find potential matches in the system and reduce likelihood of duplication.

Return. Returning an item automatically launches a verification process with release forms and updated chain of custody.

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Parking Management Icon

Parking Management

Easily manage your parking program from permit issuance to fine collection in one all-inclusive system.

Manage. Quickly and easily approve/reject permit requests made through an online portal and make information accessible to officers in the field.

Perform. Officers can complete all activities via a mobile app including reviewing prior citations, printing tickets, and uploading pictures.

Drive Decisions. Use analytics to identify trends in the type, location, and timing of violations impacting your campus the most.

Parking Management

We highly recommend the Omnigo platform. It has made our school district’s properties and students safer, and drastically enhanced our tracking and reporting of incidents, which improves communication and budget allocation.

Shane Gardner

Director of Safety and Security, Evergreen Public Schools

Central EMS has deployed Incident Command and Planning at every RazorBack home game this season. The log that is provided allows for immediate evaluation of the event and assists in identifying needs for future events.

Joshua Kuykendall

Battalion Chief, Central EMS Fayetteville


Easily Customize Your System Configuration with Advanced Features

Easily expand the capability of your core system by activating advanced feature modules within the application and extending it through supported integrations with third-party applications and device manufacturers.

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Clery Reporting in Seconds, Not Weeks

If you’re spending loads of time digging through old incident files and emails for Clery reporting data, then you’re making it too hard. 

Proud to Support

Protect Your Omnigo Investment

Included with every product, Omnigo EverSure is a unique blend of ongoing training, consulting, and support services that continuously protects and increases the value of your investment as your business evolves.
