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Get Into It. Get Control.

Stay on top of about all developments, uncover connections between actors and evidence in other cases, and make well-informed decisions using a comprehensive case management system that equips you to take control of your investigations.

  • Manage Everything

    Manage Everything

    Include any artifact in your investigation with just a click, including body camera and CCTV footage, images, audio files, documents, physical evidence, and involved individuals.

    Add. Quickly and easily add artifacts to the investigation using a fully customizable input form or simply dragging and dropping files onto the screen.

    Manage. Navigation-level tabs give direct access to details behind any aspect of your investigation like evidence files, case notes, correspondence, and events.

    Track. Artifacts added to the investigation are automatically recorded as an event on the case timeline, making it easy to review, audit, and report on progress.

    Manage Everything  1600 x 1400
  • Uncover Connections

    Uncover Connections

    Quickly query across all cases to discover connections with your investigation and bad actors, weapons, vehicles, or locations documented in other cases.

    Create. Easily create, save, and repeatedly use queries for routine searches, or utilize quick queries for ad-hoc searches specific to your need in the moment.

    Discover. Search any data element in any case, such as the mention of a suspect's alias in a witness interview transcription, and discover connections related to your investigation.

    Collaborate. Request access to another investigator's case to research the documented details behind the connections you uncovered with your case.

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  • Assign Tasks 

    Assign Tasks 

    Get assistance moving the investigation forward by assigning tasks to resources, like requesting an officer conduct a witness interview, then track progress through the system until completion.

    Create. Quickly create tasks for one or more people, assigning a due date and priority level, and choosing to notify them immediately via the system and/or email.

    Manage. Easily view all tasks, or those assigned just to you, and sort them by due date, assignee, priority, and completion status.

    Report. Stay updated on progress with each task as assigned individuals enter notes directly into the task, and eventually mark it completed.

    CREATE TASK  1600 x 1400
  • Document Correspondence

    Document Correspondence

    Effortlessly capture and document interactions with individuals connected to or assisting with the investigation including phone calls, emails, mail, and walk-ins.

    Capture. Ensure you’re capturing all the information your correspondence procedures require by easily customizing the input form yourself.

    Assign. Quickly note the individual handling the correspondence and to whom it’s assigned using dropdown lists with names supplied by the user directory.

    Report. Report on the progress of each correspondence by viewing the date it was received and the current completion status.

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  • Stay Informed

    Stay Informed

    Leverage customizable dashboards and notifications to quickly highlight any updates in the investigation, like fresh witness testimony, uploaded evidence, or recently completed tasks.

    Create. Easily create a custom dashboard from scratch or select a standardized dashboard template created and required for use by your team or department.

    Populate. Dashboards instantly populate when you start a case and automatically update as you add artifacts and information to the investigation. 

    Interact. Quickly access details behind a dashboard item with a single click like a person, task, or timeline event.

    Document Correspondence  1600 x 1400 (3)

Manage Everything

Include any artifact in your investigation with just a click, including body camera and CCTV footage, images, audio files, documents, physical evidence, and involved individuals.

Add. Quickly and easily add artifacts to the investigation using a fully customizable input form or simply dragging and dropping files onto the screen.

Manage. Navigation-level tabs give direct access to details behind any aspect of your investigation like evidence files, case notes, correspondence, and events.

Track. Artifacts added to the investigation are automatically recorded as an event on the case timeline, making it easy to review, audit, and report on progress.

Manage Everything  1600 x 1400

Uncover Connections

Quickly query across all cases to discover connections with your investigation and bad actors, weapons, vehicles, or locations documented in other cases.

Create. Easily create, save, and repeatedly use queries for routine searches, or utilize quick queries for ad-hoc searches specific to your need in the moment.

Discover. Search any data element in any case, such as the mention of a suspect's alias in a witness interview transcription, and discover connections related to your investigation.

Collaborate. Request access to another investigator's case to research the documented details behind the connections you uncovered with your case.

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Assign Tasks 

Get assistance moving the investigation forward by assigning tasks to resources, like requesting an officer conduct a witness interview, then track progress through the system until completion.

Create. Quickly create tasks for one or more people, assigning a due date and priority level, and choosing to notify them immediately via the system and/or email.

Manage. Easily view all tasks, or those assigned just to you, and sort them by due date, assignee, priority, and completion status.

Report. Stay updated on progress with each task as assigned individuals enter notes directly into the task, and eventually mark it completed.

CREATE TASK  1600 x 1400

Document Correspondence

Effortlessly capture and document interactions with individuals connected to or assisting with the investigation including phone calls, emails, mail, and walk-ins.

Capture. Ensure you’re capturing all the information your correspondence procedures require by easily customizing the input form yourself.

Assign. Quickly note the individual handling the correspondence and to whom it’s assigned using dropdown lists with names supplied by the user directory.

Report. Report on the progress of each correspondence by viewing the date it was received and the current completion status.

Document Correspondence  1600 x 1400 (4)

Stay Informed

Leverage customizable dashboards and notifications to quickly highlight any updates in the investigation, like fresh witness testimony, uploaded evidence, or recently completed tasks.

Create. Easily create a custom dashboard from scratch or select a standardized dashboard template created and required for use by your team or department.

Populate. Dashboards instantly populate when you start a case and automatically update as you add artifacts and information to the investigation. 

Interact. Quickly access details behind a dashboard item with a single click like a person, task, or timeline event.

Document Correspondence  1600 x 1400 (3)

Track Your Investigation Progress  

An automatically generated timeline documents each step in the investigation, including when evidence was collected, documents were uploaded, and individuals became involved, making it easy to review, audit, and report on progress. 



Draw More Value from Your DEMS

Integrating Investigations Case Management with your current Digital Evidence Management System (DEMS) brings immediate efficiency to the investigation process by consolidating evidentiary items like fixed and body camera footage, audio files, and documents into a unified view and control point.

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Instantly Expand Your Capability

Activate the integrated Omnigo modules below and instantly expand your capability to manage physical evidence, digital evidence, or property using the same user interface, shared controls, and data set.

Physical Evidence Management  Learn More
Digital Evidence Management  Learn More
Quartermaster Asset Management  Learn More

15 Minutes to Get Better Control

Schedule a 15-minute live demonstration of Omnigo's Investigations Case Management System and see how an organized, unified view and central point of command approach to case management helps you get better control of your investigations.