What Features and Benefits Will a Good DEMS Offer?
There are a number of features to consider when investing in a Digital Evidence Management System (DEMS). Look for software that is flexible and scalable to meet your needs now and in the future. It’s also important that the manufacturer you choose also has expertise in law enforcement. Software developed by law enforcement professionals, for law enforcement professionals, will be purpose-built to meet your unique challenges.
What exactly should you be looking for in your DEMS system?
Look for a DEMS that will integrate with any systems that generate digital data. When data can be rapidly or automatically submitted to your DEMS, it reduces the risk of loss or compromise.
A DEMS will unify all of your digital data in one simple place, making it easier to visualize patterns, connections, and timelines that would be difficult to establish otherwise.
Officers can access or securely share evidence from any computer, any time of the day or night.
Security & Defensibility
Security features enable customized permissions and record who accessed what and at what time, ensuring complete chain of custody for all digital evidence.
Authenticate digital data to prove its original and untampered with.
Metadata associated with each piece of evidence in a DEMS makes it easy to find what you need quickly.
A DEMS can ensure you’re complying with local, state, and federal regulations and that you’re following security standards set by CJIS.
A DEMS Solves More than the Digital Evidence Challenge
Effective digital evidence management leads to actionable insights that keep our communities safer, and it also provides opportunities to solve other operational and societal challenges.
- Increase Community Presence
- Justify Spending
- Increase Accountability
- Demonstrate Effectiveness
- Gain Public Trust
- Enable Agility
Want to lean more? View the complete whitepaper.
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